Nullure Burn Abdominal Fat for Good

Burn Abdominal Fat for Good

Profile Image Zeynep Özdemir
Zeynep Özdemir

A Certified Dietitian Nutritionist combining an academic science background, passion for health and extensive knowledge in food safety

Abdominal fat is more than a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight, it's a serious health risk.

Dubbed as visceral fat, it is a major player in a variety of health problems. But fear not! Fortunately, with the right strategies, based on the latest scientific research, you can tackle this stubborn fat effectively and sustainably. Here’s how to get started:


Understanding Abdominal Fat

Abdominal or visceral fat surrounds your internal organs and is linked to metabolic disturbances that can increase your risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Unlike subcutaneous fat, the kind you can grasp with your hand, visceral fat is deep and wraps around your vital organs, having potentially more harmful effects on health. (1)

How to Burn Abdominal Fat for Good: The Role of Diet

1. Embrace Soluble Fiber:

Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that slows down food as it passes through your digestive system. Studies show that increasing your intake of soluble fiber can lead to changes in belly fat. Aim for foods like blackberries, legumes, and flax seeds to get your fill. A study found that for every 10-gram increase in daily soluble fiber intake, belly fat gain decreased by 3.7% over five years. (2, 3, 4)

2. Cut Trans Fats:

Trans fats, often labeled as "partially hydrogenated oils," are linked to increased abdominal obesity and heart disease. In the EU, trans fats are strictly regulated, with a limit of 2 grams per 100 grams of fat in consumer foods. (5)

However, trans fats can still form when cooking with unsaturated vegetable oils at high temperatures. To reduce exposure, use oils with high smoke points like extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil for high-temperature cooking. Be wary of deep-fried foods and commercial baked goods, as they might contain trans fats, especially outside stringent regulatory environments. Opting for whole foods and safer cooking methods can help significantly lower trans fat intake and promote better health. (6, 7)

3. Increase Protein Intake:
Protein has a high thermogenic effect, meaning it boosts your metabolism and increases calorie burn. It also helps build muscle mass, which in turn helps burn more calories even at rest. Consuming adequate protein from sources like lean meats, eggs, and dairy keeps you feeling full longer, preventing overeating. A study found that  individuals who consume high amounts of protein have significantly less belly fat than those who consume lower protein diets. (8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13)

4. Limit Sugar Intake:
High intake of sugar, especially fructose, is linked to an increase in abdominal fat. Reduce your consumption of sugary foods and beverages, including fruit juices and sweet snacks, to minimize the risk of fat accumulation. (14, 15)

Increase Healthy Fats Burn Abdominal Fat for Good
5. Opt for Whole Grains over Refined Carbs:
Refined carbohydrates tend to spike blood sugar levels and lead to increased fat deposition in the midsection. Swap out white bread, pasta, and rice for whole grains like quinoa, barley, and whole wheat to help maintain a balanced insulin level and reduce belly fat. (16, 17)

6. Increase Healthy Fats:
Incorporating healthy fats into your diet can help keep you fuller longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Focus on sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. These fats can help balance blood sugar levels and are beneficial for overall heart health. (18, 19)

7. Regular Meal Times:
Eating at regular intervals helps regulate your body's metabolism and prevents binge-eating. Aim to eat every three to four hours and include a balance of macronutrients; proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, in each meal to maximize satiety and energy levels throughout the day. (20, 21)

8. Stay Hydrated:
Drinking adequate water is essential for metabolizing fat and helps fill you up before meals. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, or more if you're active, to aid in digestion and support metabolic health. (22)

9. Incorporate Anti-inflammatory Foods:
Chronic inflammation can contribute to an increase in abdominal fat. Include anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, such as turmeric, green tea, blueberries, and leafy greens, which can help reduce inflammation and be your natural abdominal fat burner. (23, 24, 25)

Lifestyle Adjustments

1. Alcohol Intake: Studies suggest that high alcohol intake leads directly to belly fat. Cutting back can significantly reduce waist size. (26)

2. Lift Weights: Resistance training is crucial. It helps build muscle mass and increase metabolic rate, which can lead to burn fat including abdominal fat. Incorporate strength training sessions a couple of times a week for optimal results. (27)

3. Reduce Stress: Stress increases the production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to belly fat accumulation. Techniques like yoga, meditation, or simple deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress. (28, 29)

Reduce Stress How to Burn Abdominal Fat for Good
Understand more about the impact of Modern Lifestyle to our health

Exercise Smart

Cardio exercises burn calories quickly and can be effective at reducing belly fat. However, the mix of strength training and aerobic workouts can yield even better results. The key is consistency and intensity, aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. (30)

Summary on Burn Abdominal Fat for Good

Burning belly fat is not just about aesthetic gains but improving your overall health. The strategies outlined here are not quick fixes but lifestyle changes for long-term benefits. By incorporating these scientifically-backed tips into your daily routine, you can start seeing results and feel better inside and out. Remember, consistency is key, and being patient with your body as it adapts to these healthy changes will pave the way for more sustainable fat loss.

Discover Nullure's Thermogenic Fatburner to help you in your journey to burn abdominal fat for good 

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    Reference List

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